Luan Krasniqi

Red n'black I dress eagle on my chest. It's good to be ALBANIAN.
Keep my head up high for that flag I die. I'm proud to be ALBANIAN.
The Boxing Legend from the Land of the Eagles
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NEXT FIGHT: Krasniqi vs Dimitrenko, 15th November 2008, Burg-Waechter Castello, Düsseldorf, Germany ON!

LAST FIGHT: Krasniqi vs Thompson, 14 July 2007, Hamburg, Germany!

televised live by ZDF German Channel. Luan lost by TKO round (5)!
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Luan fighting David Bostice
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
David BosticeIt has now been made public that Luan (28-2-1) will be fighting David Bostice (35-10-1), alias "The Boss", on 29th April 2006, in Stuttgart. David Bostice is US American, age 33, who in his professional career has had 46 fights in total, of which, 35 Wins (15 by Ko's), Lost 10 and had 1 Draw. He is considered to be an experienced heavyweight boxer and not to be underestimated. He had 4 wins out of 6 of his last fights, the most recent being against Calvin Brock (IBA Continental Heavyweight Title), on 19th November 2005, where he lost by points.

The latest reports suggest that Luan is training hard in his home town Rottweil, under the supervision of his experienced trainer Torsten "Tolle" Schmitz. The last fight with Brewster is being thoroughly analyzed and potential mistakes are being identified and eliminated. Luan is known to be a very good student who takes suggestions very seriously and works very hard to implement them. His nature of self criticism, has impressed everyone. Luan seems to be well prepared and motivated for his next fight. This year he hopes to be able to make good on the promise he once made to Max: "I'll get the title back to Germany."

Leni komentin tuaj me poshte!
posted by Eagle @ Wednesday, March 22, 2006  
  • At 31 March, 2006 19:27, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mos ja qij nanen edhe ti, Luani esht boxer me teknik por edhe ma i forti ne bot nuk esht. Shikoje prap vidjon L.Krasniqi vs L.Brewster, e mundesh me kqyr se sa dobt ka boxu. Kurr nuk i ka pasur durt nalt mi m'brojt kryt. Shume gabim i madh, siq edini edhe vet ne fund te rundit 8 dhe rundin e 9, Brewster pat shancen dhe e TKO Luanin. Qof se pas D. Bostice, Luani e kishte drejten me boxu prap kunder L.Brewster, at here duhet me boxu ma rrebt dhe ma me kujdes te kryt, e tanshi mundet me kan njo prej mate miret ne bote.

  • At 31 March, 2006 23:22, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ka pas gabime mjaft me Brewster, eshte e vertete. bile gabimi ma i madh ka qene qe e dorezoi luften, aty ku vetem disa sekonda kishin mbetur deri ne fund. sikur te vazhdonte, besoj se do te kishte mundesi te mbledhej pak dhe ne raunding e 10 ka pas shanset e mira bile edhe me rrezu Brewsterin. Kete e deshmon vete video ku shihet qe Brewster-i nuk mujke me qendru ne kembe te veta. Sidoqofte, Luani ka kualitete mjaft e kuptohet nese don me qen ma i miri, duhet me i eliminu disa dobesi te veta. kur leshon duart poshte dhe bene lojra pa kryp dhe te panevojshme, ne vend se te perqendrohet ne lufte dhe thjesht te boksoj me seriozitet deri ne fund.

  • At 13 April, 2006 04:23, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mos boni hajgare bre njerz , a e dini kush eshte LUAN KRASNIQI ai boll si e ka emrin shqiptar. Gabime po gjithkush ka gabime, lUANI vetem nese nuk bene gjeste " te pa pjekurra ne ring " edhe me punu me kondiksion se eshte ma i miri ne BOTE.LUANI. kollaj eshte me gjyku pa e provu a. Vetem a e keini pa L.Brewster nuk mujke me mar frym e jo me ndejt ne kemb, mbase ai vet ka deklaru se shpresoj se KURR nuk kom me boksu me Luanin opet. krejt bota e vlerson Luanin " e na shqiptart kishe po folim diqka". LUANI eshte ma i miri. Viq perpara Luan se ma i miri je. Mos haroni njerz se Luani eshte SHQIPTAR.

  • At 17 April, 2006 19:55, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ti qenke experti i madh bre kush. Brewster nuk ka mujt me mar frym, veq luanin e qiti ne tok. Dhe luani tha kuku mu qi nana e tanshi e la . Pra mus ma kruj fort koqene majt e kqyre prap video.

  • At 20 April, 2006 02:35, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hei o ti pidh none kuna po i thush mos ma kruj koqen . E ti pidh none EXPERT na ke ti a. Une jom kon aty e kom pa direkt. E jo si ti pidh none ne ekran.

  • At 22 April, 2006 09:01, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ma hangshi karin krejt qetu se lidhje spani me punen e boximit qe ka ba luani me brewster. hajt mos ma gjigavni karin fort se po jav qi at nan ren. kshyrne mire videon edhe ti kali mos na shit men qe je kan aty po me siguri te koke kan mas deres e nuk paske mujt me pa mire se qysh osht tu shku puna aty te boxi. kshtu qe mos ma gjigavni fort karin se Luani e ka myt Brewster po qka me ba kerkush nuk jau din qivijat. hajt hani kar sa te muni tash. peacee bitchezz.

  • At 22 April, 2006 19:41, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hajt pushoni pak sonte 22.04.06, e ta kqyrmi Chris Byrd me Klitchkov-in boksojne ne ora 22.40 ne ARD (1) te Gjermanise. E rrok ne Satelit digital Astra 19.2, 11836 Hz, symbol rate 27500. E tanaj ja nismi apet.

  • At 24 April, 2006 01:32, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hei njerz. A mundet dikush me mdihmu. A e din dikush ne sa ora ka me Boksu Luani.Flm.

  • At 24 April, 2006 01:43, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Luan Krasniqi boxon me 29.04.2006, te shtunden, ne ora 22:45 (me kohe gjermane) dhe do te jete drejtperdrejt ne ZDF kanalin gjerman qe mundet me u shique falas ne satelit digital nese e ke.

    Ne qoftese me kohe je larg Evropes, atehere kalkulo kohen e sakte ketu:

  • At 26 April, 2006 00:14, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Faleminderit shoki shum.

  • At 05 March, 2007 12:41, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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